Sunday, June 2, 2013

Spotlight on Green Jet

When Alpha Danger Squad: Karno's Perfect game gets released later this year, I am hopeful you will like "get" what I'm trying to do. And while I'm a big believer in show-don't-tell, I think you might want to wet your appetite on a bit more of the creative process behind each character. Or whatever.

The Green Jet was a series of reprints of the Green Lama. The Lama's name is kind  of disputed by two differing parties, though . I would probably not use it.

The Green Jet  is in reality Jethro Dumont, who went to Tibet and learnt how to  be a flying superhero in a monastery. If I were a monk in a Tibetan Monastery I'd probably use my knoweledge of the power of flight in different ways than teaching the first asshole who crosses the door. White people get all the breaks.

The Green Jet in my case is Pat Lee, a former juvenile delinquent who met with a mysterious man called Jethro while under arrest.  Jethro  offered to train him in the ways ot the Medjai, or Order of the 7, an order of wise ones from all across the universe. He has since redempted himself and trained under the Jethro's tutelage.

As for powers, Green Jet's capacities are not just stock flight and superfighting (frankly, it would get pretty redundant if I did their powers accurately). In face, I've nixed the flight, and added the capacity of shooting energy blasts. He's got the dragon by the balls, man!

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